NCTAE provides exceptional experiences for both teachers and students!

NCTAE will work to encourage inclusion, diverse materials, and perspectives, and the impact of artist of color.

NCTAE provides exceptional experiences for both teachers and students!
Our Mission
The North Carolina Theatre Arts Educators seeks to advance the quality and scope of theatre education in North Carolina schools through professional development, collaboration, and empowerment of Theatre Arts Educators.
January 29, 2021
We are excited to launch our NC Young Playwrights play collection for the 2021 NCYP Festival! Despite these tumultuous times, the NC Young Playwrights team is planning to keep our program strong and the play submission process will have very few changes. We would love to have you and your students join us for this season of submissions which is sure to be dynamic. Submissions are due January 29th. Please see our page for further details.
Winter Focus 2021
February 19-21, 2021
We once again prevented from joining together this February 2021 at the beautiful Trinity Center in Emerald Isle, NC. Our Winter Focus has been moved to the digital format. It will continue to be a weekend of high-intensity, in-depth training and fellowship! This year we focused on the Producing and Directing in the Virtual World with our presenters Sheri Raeford and Bill Pirkeyhe from Shared Radiance Performance Arts. Visit our Winter Focus page to learn more about this awesome opportunities to earn CEU credits, enjoy the company of fellow theatre teachers, and gain new techniques to bring into the classroom!
September 26, 2020
We had such a wonderful showing online at Virtual Fall Sharing 2020. 2020 has been a trying year, and it was important for teachers to be able to connect in some way. Although it wasn't quite like being there in person, each workshop was dynamic and exciting. The vendors and guest were helpful and engaging, and the company was simply marvelous! We may need to physically distance, not necessarily socially distance, thanks to technology. We thank all members, presenters, sponsors, guest speakers and volunteers who made this event possible!
Check out some of the video and materials from this event on our Members Only page!
NCTAE's Statement - Racial Justice
North Carolina Theatre Arts Educators stands with communities of color as they fight for equality, equity, justice, and healing. Please view the full statement here. We have created a living document with a collection of resources for educators to use while making positive change. NCTAE is committed to encouraging ongoing education and growth for our members.
Our Advocacy Star Point Commitee seeks to keep the NCTAE community up to date on all policies and governmental decisions that effect teachers on a local, state, national, and global basis. Click on our ADVOCACY tab to stay informed about the latest on policies that effect our classrooms and the arts in North Carolina. Also, NCTAE provides several ways that you and your school can get involved with making your voice heard. Become a member today to join the Advocacy Star Point Committee and GET INVOLVED!
If NCTAE has made a difference in your professional life then consider supporting our efforts by donating today! Your donations will help to fund our many annual events, the Sue Scarborough Scholarship, and support for students and teachers across North Carolina.
To donate, visit our Shop to make a donation of any amount!
Thank you for all of your support of NCTAE!

Fall Sharing
We look forward to gathering in September 13-14, 2024 for dynamic workshops, engaging vendors and marvelous company!
Check out some of the video and materials from previous Fall Sharing events on our Members page!

Donate Today!
If NCTAE has made a difference in your professional life then consider supporting our efforts by donating today! Your donations will help to fund our many annual events, the Sue Scarborough Scholarship, and support for students and teachers across North Carolina.
To donate, visit our Shop to make a donation of any amount!
Thank you for all of your support of NCTAE!

Winter Focus
Each February we gather at the beautiful Trinity Center in Emerald Isle, NC, for our Winter Focus. It is a weekend of high-intensity, in-depth training and fellowship!
Visit our Winter Focus page to learn more about this awesome event and the dates to come. Winter Focus offers opportunities to earn CEU credits, enjoy the company of fellow theatre teachers, and gain new techniques to bring into the classroom!

NC Young Playwrights Festival
NC Young Playwrights is been a program for students and teachers dedicated to increasing playwriting in the K-12 classroom in North Carolina. Involvement in writing, performance and publishing is the perfect opportunity for your students to receive the collaborative, intensive, professional exposure to the world of playwriting that will create lasting memories and highly beneficial experience. See this year's list of winners and learn how to order your copy of the winning plays.

Advocacy Updates
Our Advocacy Star Point Commitee seeks to keep the NCTAE community up to date on all policies and governmental decisions that effect teachers on a local, state, national, and global basis. Click on our ADVOCACY tab to stay informed about the latest on policies that effect our classrooms and the arts in North Carolina. Also, NCTAE provides several ways that you and your school can get involved with making your voice heard. Become a member today to join the Advocacy Star Point Committee and GET INVOLVED!